本日:count up85


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Dear Mr. Saku and all the staff of Fukuoka Seiryo High School
 I would like to thank you for much kindness you have shown Kim
and me for the three days we attended your school. Thank you,
Mr. Saku, for showing us around the school, taking us your
classes, being our official paparazzi(haha) and encouraging us
to get to know and communicate with students at the school.
We hope that one day you will visit Auckland again! In the
meantime I hope you are satisfied with the photos on this postcard!
Thank you, staff (especially those who taught classes I was in),
for asking me questions and encouraging me to speak Japanese,
even though I invariably forgot to speak Japanese in my reply.
In my school, I don't think that teachers get enough respect
from students, and seeing the respect with which your students
treat you have prompted me to always respect my teachers and
encourage others to do that too. It is my wish to become
a teacher, so being able to observe the teaching methods and
school set-up of a foreign school has been so enjoyable.
 So, thank you so many more times than I can fit onto the
remaining space.
Tessa Brown
 【私の俳句】「友情の 風が嵐を しずめます」

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