生徒会目標『常笑』 常に笑いあえる学校へ みんなで高め合い 心も頭も体も 上昇させよう

Gratton Essay NO.2

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Since the first time I came here for the first time five years ago,there have been quite a few things that have surprised me about Japan. This includes the sheer amount of people, the mayonnaise on everything, and the fact that the trains run on time. Working as an ALT, however, I`ve found the freedom and responsibility that the students seem to have here to be pretty impressive.
In most American public schools there are no uniforms and the idea of cleaning up the school every day would be considered a bit odd. However, from what I`ve seen it does seem that the students here have a lot more freedom to be children than middle schoolers in the States.

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